Monday, April 29, 2024

Complete Guide To "The Haunting of Hill House" By Shirley Jackson

the haunting of hill house

You can throw all the rhetorical questions you want at the show. What sticks with you at the end of those 10 hours is not what rings discordant but what seems eerily relatable — the scorched-earth arguments, and silent treatments, and sibling alliances, and foxhole bonding that constitutes being in a family. We all have ghosts, even if they aren’t as vengeful or CGI-rendered as the Crains’ personal (and perhaps literal) demons. At its best, i.e. the majority of its run, Flanagan’s subjective take on Jackson’s source material strikes bone by reiterating the idea that every family has its own ghost stories.

The Cast of Netflix's The Haunting of Bly Manor Are Ready for More Seasons

The 1963 version is a relatively faithful adaptation and received critical praise. The 1999 version, considerably different from the novel and widely panned by critics, is an overt fantasy horror in which all the main characters are terrorized and two are killed by explicitly supernatural deaths. It was also parodied in Scary Movie 2 (2001). By this point, the show’s momentum is so great that it’s easy to ignore that the closing episodes go a little slack and fall victim to a case of over-articulated metaphors as characters say things like, “Ghosts are guilt. But most times, most times…a ghost is a wish.” How poetic! There’s a lot of that in the series’ home stretch.

the haunting of hill house

The best haunted houses in Los Angeles for Halloween scares

Flanagan is riffing off of classic works of horror literature. There's far more where Shirley Jackson and Henry James came from. Directed by Mike Flanagan, Netflix's new 10-hour 'The Haunting of Hill House' is full of scares, rich character explorations and helpful haunted-home renovation tips.

Los Angeles Haunted Hayride

Why Isn't Mike Flanagan's 'Fall of the House of Usher' a Haunting Series? - Collider

Why Isn't Mike Flanagan's 'Fall of the House of Usher' a Haunting Series?.

Posted: Fri, 01 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

"Ghosts are secrets. Ghosts are regrets and failings. But most times... most times a ghost is a wish." During the Crain family's last night in Hill House, Olivia Crain, wife of Hugh and mother to Steven, Shirley, Theo, Luke, and Nell, killed herself. It happened sometime between when Hugh stashed all of his kids in the car and when he returned to Hill House to check on his ailing wife.

It may or may not have helped inspire the name of The House on Haunted Hill, a ballyhoo-filled Vincent Price vehicle that came out the same year as the novel; it almost assuredly cast its shadow over Richard Matheson’s 1971 novel Hell House and its 1973 British film adaptation. Regardless, the DNA of Jackson’s extraordinary ghost story can be found in virtually every modern haunted-house narrative that came after it. And now, because it is the Year of Our Lord 2018 and every recognizable property must inevitably be turned into a multiversed franchise or a multi-episode TV show, we have been given a Netflix series that takes the name of the book and runs with it. This is not your father’s Hill House, however — a sentiment that takes on new meaning once you’ve squirmed your way through all 10 hours of this left-field horror-TV hit.

Essential Reads

Here's what we know about the future of Netflix's Haunting series. Offering substantially more grown-up chills, albeit with perhaps less escapist fun, is Netflix’s creepy October substitute The Haunting of Hill House, one of the more effective and sustained exercises of this type ever attempted for the small screen. The others eventually come to believe Eleanor is the cause of the disturbances. Fearing for her safety, Montague and Luke declare that she must leave. Eleanor, however, now regards the house as her home and resists. Montague and Luke force her into her car; she bids them farewell and drives off, but before leaving the grounds of Hill House, she propels the car into a large oak tree to her implied death.

Top cast

He could have been referring to Hill House as well — less four walls and a roof than a villain that’s “not sane … holding darkness within.” This is not anthropomorphizing a place. If you're still sitting around wondering if Abigail was dead the whole time, you're asking the wrong question. The real mystery here is who came to Abigail's aid right after she died. The beautiful ghost definitely wasn't of this time, but she wasn't a spirit we had seen before.

Netflix release terrifying new series from creator of The Haunting of Hill House - FM104

Netflix release terrifying new series from creator of The Haunting of Hill House.

Posted: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Steven (Michiel Huisman) is a best-selling author of books about the paranormal, selling his history for cash. Shirley (Elizabeth Reaser) runs a funeral home. Theo (Kate Siegel), prone to wearing dark gloves for supernatural reasons, is a psychiatrist helping troubled children. Luke (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) is a junkie and Nell (Victoria Pedretti) is being lured back to Hill House for the sort of final confrontation the genre demands. There were a lot of ghosts running around Hill House, but we only ever really got to know Poppy Hill, the unhinged flapper who pushed Olivia (Carla Gugino) over the edge.

'Hereditary': Inside the Making of a Modern Horror Classic

According to Flanagan, Nell (Victoria Pedretti) inherited the ability to look across time from Olivia, while Shirley (Elizabeth Reaser) got the dream sleep, which explains her premonition about "dancing in the red room" while she slept as a child. However, unexpected repairs necessitate the lengthening of their stay. At the same time, they begin to experience increasing paranormal phenomena that results in a tragic loss and the family fleeing from the house.

Twenty-six years later, the Crain siblings and their estranged father reunite after tragedy strikes again, and they are all forced to confront how their time in Hill House had affected each of them. The book was first adapted for stage in 1964 by F. In 2015, Anthony Neilson prepared a new stage adaptation for Sonia Friedman and Hammer for production at the Liverpool Playhouse. In this version, the industrialist Hugh Crain financed the construction of Hill House in the 1860’s.

"We talked for a very, very long time about putting the Red Room window... in the background" during Luke's triumphant two-year sobriety party, Flanagan says. "I ultimately decided not to. It was too cruel." Still, Flanagan seems very pleased that fans remain skeptical. "But the suspicion you had was exactly where we were," he says, "and that kind of makes me very happy." However, there's not much of a chance that the third "season" of The Haunting of Hill House will come out next October, due to coronavirus-related delays.

Will the future reveal more of Hill House's depraved secrets? On one hand, it's a nice redemption arc for Nell, who suffers the most at Hill House's spectral hands. On the other, it makes her story remarkably tragic. As Nell explains, there's nothing her family could've done to save her. Hill House had too strong of a hold on her, and the best that she could do was die, and then use her powers to help others. Midnight Mass is related to another one of Flanagan's works.

The Haunting of Hill House TV Mini Series 2018 Episode list

the haunting of hill house

We all are haunted by something, no matter what house you grew up in. All homes filled with dysfunctional families are alike; each house cursed by ghostly manifestations of past and present sins is haunted in its own way. Shirley Jackson’s 1959 novel of a decrepit, rotting mansion populated by things that go bump in the night (and in the psyche) is considered by many to be the ne plus ultra of possessed-dwelling tales.

Shirley Jackson

the haunting of hill house

Given this pattern, will there be a third installment in Flanagan's Haunting series? If the cast has any say in the matter, the answer is a resounding yes. Much like Ryan Murphy's horror anthology American Horror Story, the Haunting series features the same actors playing new characters—and "the regulars" are open to returning.

For now, watch out for Flanagan's next horror series on Netflix.

The Haunting of Hill House is a 1959 gothic horror novel by American author Shirley Jackson. It was a finalist for the National Book Award and has been made into two feature films and a play, and is the basis of a Netflix series. Far from those kid-friendly rides through a pumpkin patch, this hayride unleashes all sorts of demons and bogeys on Griffith Park. Like so many pop culture horror experiences recently, this year’s Haunted Hayride once again rewinds the action to the mid-’80s in the ficticious town of Midnight Falls. Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group hosts a chilling series of vignettes. Armed with a shoddy flashlight to illuminate their path, guests navigate a labyrinth of terror before enduring a series of shocking scenes (over the course of roughly 35 minutes) that will unsettle even the most stoic of horror fans.

The Haunting of Hill House (TV series)

He rents Hill House for a summer and invites as his guests several people whom he has chosen because of their past experience with paranormal events. You can't keep a secret if there's no information to hide. When you wish, you wish for something, and there's always a reason why you choose what you choose.

the haunting of hill house

The monologue that Steven delivers over the final episode's closing moments, for example? You know, the one that's really well written? As soon as Steven starts talking about "Hill House, not sane," he's quoting the original novel word-for-word. The final monologue is lifted from the book, but the writers made a few small adjustments to account for the series' happier ending.

Midnight Mass will feature two Haunting regulars–Henry Thomas and Kate Siegel, who happens to be Flanagan's wife. Was Hill House always evil or did the Hills make it evil? This is probably the hardest question to answer because Hill House defies all neat and logical explanation. So basically, trying to figure out the cause and effect between what occurred because Hill House is insane and what occurred because insane people lived in Hill House is pretty much a futile mission and you should turn back now.

Fans Think Bad Bunny's Verse On Myke Towers' New Song 'Adivino' Is About Kendall Jenner

Likely, the woman's identity would have been revealed during Flanagan's planned history of Hill House, but for now fans are left speculating. Some theorize that since time isn't linear, maybe this is an even younger version of Mrs. Dudley (Annabeth Gish). However, we're going to take things one step further and imagine that it's actually the ghost of Mrs. Dudley's mother-in-law. We know that she worked at Hill House, so maybe she died there too!

Vince McMahon Lists Final TKO Shares for Sale

While some may argue that the answers to the questions don't matter nearly as much as the emotional impact of the series, we there's never been a puzzle we haven't wanted to solve. Fortunately, between revealing interviews with the cast and creator Mike Flanagan, and the impressive crowd-sourcing power of Reddit, pretty much every question you can imagine has already been answered. But the inventory of tried-and-true horror tropes are being used to more sinister ends than just the art of the “Boo! ” As a genre exercise, The Haunting of Hill House is a better-than-decent stab at a supernatural story, the equivalent of a well-executed if slightly overlong bass solo. As a tale of what happens when the ties that bind are the same ones that gag you, and scar you, and occasionally strangle you to death, it’s absolutely terrifying. The house's two caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, refuse to stay near the house at night.

The best haunted houses in Los Angeles for Halloween scares

Spooky figures have a habit of being one place when a moving camera first catches them, then suddenly appear to be much, much closer when the shot turns back to reframe them. Two of the more distinguishable ghosts, a J-horror–chic woman known as “The Bent-Neck Lady” and a lanky floating ghoul with a cane, are genuinely unsettling. Pregnant women may want to skip the final installment; people with bum tickers may want to bypass the series’ back half entirely. Hill House has two caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, who refuse to stay near the house at night. The blunt and single-minded Mrs. Dudley is a source of some comic relief. The four overnight visitors begin to form friendships as Dr. Montague explains the building’s history, which encompasses suicide and other violent deaths.

Mike Flanagan's New Horror Show Repeats 5-Year Netflix Strategy That Made Hill House A Hit - Screen Rant

Mike Flanagan's New Horror Show Repeats 5-Year Netflix Strategy That Made Hill House A Hit.

Posted: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Looks like Netflix is becoming the new site of the Mike Flanagan horror universe, and we can't wait to be scared. The cast of Bly Manor and Hill House don't play favorites between the shows. When asked to decide whether Hill House or Bly Manor is scarier, Jackson-Cohen is torn. "They feel equally haunted. I don't know how much I'd want to live in either," he says. Pedretti, on her end, would rather live in Bly.

Later in their stay, the doctor's wife, the haughty Mrs. Montague, and her companion Arthur Parker, the headmaster of a boys' school, arrive to spend a weekend at Hill House and help investigate it. They, too, are interested in the supernatural, including séances and spirit writing. Unlike the other four characters, they do not experience anything supernatural, although some of Mrs. Montague's alleged spirit writings seem to communicate with Eleanor. The first season starts in the summer of 1992. Hugh and Olivia Crain, along with their children Steven, Shirley, Theodora, Luke and Eleanor, temporarily move into Hill House while they renovate the mansion, then sell it at a profit and build their own house as designed by Olivia. Stephen King, in his book Danse Macabre (1981), a non-fiction review of the horror genre, lists The Haunting of Hill House as one of the finest horror novels of the late 20th century and provides a lengthy review.

The Haunting of Hill House is an effective ghost story whose steadily mounting anticipation is just as satisfying as its chilling payoff. It's not clear how much of Jackson's witchcraft was genuine, how much of it was a feminist-minded political statement, and how much was a marketing gimmick, but Jackson clearly knew her stuff. She used charms to ward her house against demons.

In the book, Hill House "has stood.... for 80 years." In the show, it's been there for over 100. Hill House is described in the present tense, not the past. The biggest change, though, comes in the final line. If you're looking for a positive conclusion, that makes all the difference. "I thought for so long that time was like a line, that our moments were laid out like dominoes and that they fell one into another," Nell's spirit says in the Red Room. "But I was wrong. It's not like that at all. Our moments fall around us like rain or snow or confetti." That's how Nell's able to show up in the past in order to try and warn her childhood self away from Hill House, or why she appears exactly when her siblings need her the most.

Does The Haunting of Hill House have its issues? Is it another victim of the Netflix 10-Episodes-Six-Hours-of-Actual-Story Bloat Syndrome (™)? Are the performances, shall we say, not all on the same level, quality-wise? Is it occasionally heavy-handed in its portrayal of the evil that men do, and did it need to have one character actually say, “Ghosts are guilt, ghosts are secrets, ghosts are regrets, and failings … but most times, a ghost is a wish? ” and seriously, WTF is up with that ending and reversing that famous opening graf line?

He rents Hill House for a summer and invites as his guests several people whom he has chosen because of their experiences with paranormal events. Eleanor travels to the house, where she and Theodora will live in isolation with Montague and Luke. A finalist for the National Book Award, the book has been made into two feature films, a play and is the basis of a popular Netflix series. Jackson’s novel relies on terror rather than horror to elicit emotion in the reader, using complex relationships between the mysterious events in the house and the characters’ psyches. That's an unusual conclusion for a horror story, and given the Red Room's various deceptions, some fans refuse to take it at face value. The Haunting of Hill House creator Mike Flanagan, on the other hand, insists that the ending really happened.

But then that raises questions about why Olivia succumbed so much to Hill House's corrupting influence while Nell remained relatively untouched. As Flanagan explained, just like how people process grief differently, people react to Hill House differently. "Some people are just more vulnerable. Or more special. There are more ways in, and darkness can infiltrate and take root in their lives in different ways. But there are no characters in our show who are immune," he said. It's been nearly a month since The Haunting of Hill House hit Netflix, but fans are still deep in discussion as they attempt to parse through the complex tale of grief and ghosts. The 10-episode series left viewers with a lot of burning questions and few neatly wrapped up answers.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Norristown, PA 19403 Menu

house of biryanis and kebabs

With attentive service and attention to detail, we ensure that your dining experience at HBK is nothing short of delightful. Browse through the menu to decide what you'd like to order. Our caring and committed staff will ensure you have a fantastic Take-Out experience with us.

Best Dishes Eater Editors Ate This Week: April 29

Biriyani rice (pulao) prepared with lamb shank and mild spices. We were craving some Indian food and stopped by this place, after seeing the rating. We ordered Chicken Pakoda and Chettinad Fish Fry to go with the Prosecco ( BYOB) we brought., chicken tikka masala, and 2 naan and that Highly recommend this place if you’re looking for a quick stop for Indian food. I was initially excited for The Haleem, which was highly recommended by a friend of mine, but biryanis caught me off guard. The texture of the rice and the aroma of the spice hits you before the taste knocks you down. Undoubtedly, you can’t stop yourself from visiting again.

house of biryanis and kebabs

Indian Food

So many options and the staff was knowledgeable when asked questions for those with gluten issues. Serving sizes were very generous and the prices were very reasonable. We all ordered different things and they were all delicious. They even ask you what level of spice you would like which is great for those who prefer less heat. The atmosphere is very warm and inviting and everyone was so friendly. They even prepared a couple of desserts and asked us to try them out!

New India Sweets And Spices

Chances are you’ve driven past an India Sweets & Spices at some point—this tiny Indian market has locations from Culver City to Northridge. But that’s not to say it’s not some mass-produced mini-chain. Each location is independently owned with its own style and character, and most sell hot food items prepared in small takeout counters at the back of the store. At the Fairfax location (just south of Little Ethiopia), it’s all about the biryani. There are several different kinds on the menu ranging from paneer to shrimp, but we like the chicken best, which arrives moist every time (no easy task for a slow-cooked dish like biryani).


Dishes across the menu here are spicy, rich, and deeply aromatic—and the biryani is no exception. Filled with carrots, potato, peas, cauliflower, green beans, fresh mint, and dozens of spices, this is our favorite vegetarian version in town, and one that should be ordered whether you eat meat or not. Experience an exquisite array of authentic Indian cuisine at House of Biryani & Kebabs. Our menu boasts a diverse selection of dishes inspired by different regions of India, showcasing the rich tapestry of flavors and spices. Indulge in the world’s renowned and flavorful dishes that promise a culinary journey like no other.

While we cherish our traditional roots, we also embrace innovation and creativity. Our menu boasts a perfect blend of classic favorites and unique fusion creations, providing something for every palate.

Quality Ingredients

This shared food history is why Biriyani Kabob House is a broadly South Asian restaurant, serving dishes that could be considered Indian, Bangladeshi, or Pakistani. The main differences between each country’s cuisine have to do with what’s abundant on their land, along with various cultural and religious factors. As for kebabs and biryani, Karim says they are executed similarly across all three cuisines. The only difference, he claims, is that Bangladeshi biryani, compared to that of India and Pakistan, is less spicy and also a bit sweeter, on account of ingredients like cinnamon and nutmeg. It’s hard to put into words how uniquely special of a place Baja Subs is, but once you step foot inside this tiny market/convenience store in Northridge, you’ll start to understand.

Yes, you can come here for a pack of cigarettes, a Diet Coke, and a turkey sandwich from behind the bar, but that’d be missing the point entirely. HBK's success story continues to grow, with new locations opening regularly to meet the increasing demand for our mouthwatering biryanis and kebabs. We are dedicated to reaching even more corners of America, sharing our passion for Indian cuisine with an ever-widening audience. Biriyani rice (pulao) and beef prepared with mild spices. Explore the nearest HBK location and experience the magic of biryanis and kebabs.

We provide best quality Indian Food

Our Passion for customer service and high quality food is behind our explosive growth into multiple locations in a short time. We thank all our customers for their trust in us to deliver great food everyday... Despite the name, Biriyani Kabob House actually specializes in biriyani, kabobs, and curries, a fact the owner will explain to you several times over the phone while you order. That said, the one dish that we never leave here without is the Hyderbadi lamb biriyani. This is a massive plate of spice-filled basmati rice, accompanied by a lamb shank that’s approximately the size of a landline telephone (photo reference, if you don’t know what that is).

July Health Inspection Reports For Malvern ZIP code - Malvern, PA Patch

July Health Inspection Reports For Malvern ZIP code.

Posted: Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Its expansive La Cienega dining room has multiple water fountains, conversation-starting chandeliers swinging from the ceiling, and big circular booths for family dinners or intimidating work lunches with your company’s board of directors. It’s all a bit over-the-top—and expensive—but the food is good, and we’ll make a special trip for their lamb biryani. The basmati rice and meat have been cooked so well together, there’s an almost creamy texture to it. Sure, it’s $32 (welcome to Beverly Hills), but it’s important to note that it will easily feed two grown adults. Bangla Bazar is a tiny market in Little Bangladesh that sells grocery essentials, a wide variety of produce, and Bangladeshi specialties from their hot bar. While we recommend getting involved with just about everything on their menu, for the purposes of this guide, let’s concentrate on the goat biryani, which is remarkable.

From Artesia to Culver City to Little Bangladesh, these are the spots you need to be ordering from when that biryani craving hit. There’s a line half a dozen deep on a Monday afternoon at Biriyani Kabob House, a strip mall Pakistani restaurant in the northeast pocket of Koreatown bordering Little Bangladesh. Customers help themselves to hefty $2 samosas from the hot case and neon orange mango lassis from the refrigerator. A coworker found this place online and we are so glad he did!

Karim won’t divulge what makes his interpretation so fluffy and perfectly balanced, with its savory, aromatic notes and tender, fatty lamb. Discover the vibrant flavors of India under one roof as we invite you to indulge in a diverse culinary journey. Our restaurant celebrates the rich tapestry of Indian cuisine, offering a meticulously curated menu that showcases the authentic tastes from various regions across the country.

Before opening Biriyani Kabob House, which expanded to a second location Downtown in early 2021, Karim worked as an aeronautical engineer for 30 years. He was born and raised in Karachi and then lived in Bangladesh and Germany before settling down in Los Angeles in 1981. When Karim was tired of working for someone else, his passion for food drove him into the restaurant business. He picked up a few cooking fundamentals from his late wife, who Karim says “was the number one chef that I ever met,” and the rest he taught himself from watching YouTube. He’d watch five to six different chefs — either Indians, Pakistanis, or Bangladeshis — make their own renditions of a given dish and then use those learnings to create his own version. Today, he’s most proud of his Hyderabadi lamb biryani, which is Biriyani Kabob House’s top-selling dish.

Karim offers eight kinds of biryani including fish, tandoori chicken, and egg, and eight types of kebab (plus the popular mixed grill, a combination plate of chicken and beef kebabs). The menu also boasts 15 curries from korma to karahi; “chef specialties” like nalli nihari, a rich and slow-cooked beef stew; and upwards of 20 vegetarian (mostly vegan) dishes, such as aloo gobi and daal tarka. “This is for the business,” Karim says, since many of his customers eat plant-based food for religious, environmental, or health reasons. For the most part, however, Biriyani Kabob House relies heavily on meat, a nod to the abundance of livestock in Pakistan, where many dishes are meat-based. It's about the generations of chefs who kept the cooking traditions alive and are behind the delicious dishes we serve in our establishment.We strive to tantalize our customers with versatile pan-Indian menu in a modern fine dine setting. We take great pride in delivering most authentic Indian dishes prepared with best ingredients.

Check our website or app for the latest updates on new openings and exciting offers. Our special ingredients and cooking style is unique than other South Asian restaurant. We believe in tasty food which bring you back again and again. Spicy, savory, and immensely satisfying, there’s nothing quite like a great bowl of biryani. And with so many regional versions of the mixed-rice dish to try (like Hyderabadi, Karachi, and Afghani, just to name a few), there’s plenty of opportunities for you to find your favorite.

As HBK expands its wings all over America, we invite you to be a part of our culinary journey. Whether you're a loyal patron or a newcomer eager to explore new tastes, we promise to deliver an exceptional dining experience that will keep you coming back for more. Biriyani rice (pulao) prepared with fish and mild spices. From carnivores to vegetarians, HBK has a diverse menu that caters to different tastes and dietary preferences. Whether you're a fan of spicy flavors or prefer mild delicacies, our extensive menu has something to suit your cravings. Biriyani Kabob House is proud is a family restaurant which give you home made style food experience.

10 best indoor flowering houseplants plus practical tips

indoor house plants

If you're looking for pretty pink foliage, this is the plant for you! It's one of the easiest houseplants to care for, seemingly thriving on neglect and low light. As with any trailing ivy, the primary maintenance for this stunning houseplant is pruning its fast-growing vines.

Why won't my houseplant flower?

indoor house plants

This attractive little tree has soft needles and an upright form. Give it bright light, though it can tolerate moderate light levels, and constant light moisture. But don’t let it dry out or it will drop lower branches, which won’t regrow. Resembling a tiny tree with fat, fleshy leaves, this fuss-free plant likes bright light. Fiddle leaf fig, Ficus lyrata, is a pricey plant that can be a little fickle – it has a habit of dropping its leaves if it’s not happy. This could be due to dry air, under- or overwatering, under- or over feeding, or sudden changes in temperature.


Secondly, make sure to water according to what the plant needs, not some arbitrary once-a-week schedule. For example, in the winter when most homes are extremely dry, you may need to water your plants more frequently. So, every week or so, poke your finger in the soil to feel the moisture level before giving them a drink.

African Milk Tree  (Euphorbia Trigona)

Bromeliads produce flowers in shades of orange, purple, bright red, or blue. Just make sure they get plenty of bright and indirect light all day long. Commonly called spineless yucca, this tall succulent can grow up to 10 feet tall and features clusters of sword-like leaves that shoot out from its woody trunk. Yucca plants are susceptible to root rot, so plant them in well-drained soil and add rocks to the bottom of the container. This tall tree-like plant can grow up to 6 feet indoors (and much higher outside). Its large oblong textural leaves are lush and will give interiors a tropical vibe.

Best Indoor Plants for Any Room

indoor house plants

Growing from tubers, cyclamen will at times go dormant, which many houseplant novices may mistake for plant death. If your cyclamen appears to be dying back, but its tubers are still firm, there’s still hope. Simply stop watering your plant, place it in a cool, dry place for eight to ten weeks and your cyclamen should begin to regrow. Need to find a little bit of information on your new houseplant? Here is a list of the most common houseplants, including their scientific names, basic care requirements and more.

Ponytail palms are non-toxic to cats and dogs, and as long as they get sun, a little water, and a decent temperature, you can expect them to thrive with minimal effort. Parlor palms are relatively tall but narrow plants, with most growing between three and six feet when healthy. They’re slow-growing, offering a gentle appearance with thin leaves coming out from thicker central stems. If you want the beautiful flowers, put this where it can get as much sunlight as possible.

Kids and pets shouldn't ingest these plants, so if you have either, it's best to avoid or find a high, sunny shelf for it. Coming in a few different varieties, the false shamrock is one plant that shouldn't be overlooked. Houseplant expert, Ren Lenhof, who runs a lifestyle blog House Fur, says her favorite for a real boost of color is the dark purple variation. If you have dreams of dwelling in a jungle-like space, plants are the surefire component for getting you there.

21 Best Hanging Indoor Plants to Maximize Vertical Space - Better Homes & Gardens

21 Best Hanging Indoor Plants to Maximize Vertical Space.

Posted: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

The Best Plants for the Bedroom (Hint: It's All About Air Purification) - Architectural Digest

The Best Plants for the Bedroom (Hint: It's All About Air Purification).

Posted: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:03:04 GMT [source]

Learn about other types of indoor palm plants to grow as houseplants. Make sure to read our article on how to grow indoor palm trees as houseplants. Spider Plant is ideal for bedrooms as it can easily remove harmful toxins from the air. The trailing stems of hoya have clusters of aromatic waxy flowers.

The Hoya carnosa boasts thick, succulent-like leaves, making it a resilient and low-maintenance plant that thrives with minimal attention. It's an ideal choice for both experienced and beginner plant lovers. The silver-gray hair of this plant and its flowers make it stand out. Panda Plant needs very little maintenance and does best in dappled light. Philodendron works perfectly in filtering formaldehyde from the air. The foliage is green but can be found in red, purple, or coppery shades.

Just place your fern on a pebble tray or mist it occasionally and you should have a charming houseplant for years to come. Aloe vera grows in the landscape in warm climates, but in the colder parts of the country, it’s a popular houseplant. Its thick stems contain a gel-like substance that actually has been studied for burns; break off a leaf and smear it on minor burns to aid healing. Rubber plants have the added benefit of being one of the best natural air cleaners out there. Place it near your favorite seating area to reap the benefits.

The Swiss cheese vine requires plenty of bright, indirect light and moist, well-draining soil. The Boston fern is a large indoor plant with big feathery foliage that grows well in most rooms or office environments. The large arching fern leaves cascade down over the pot to create a dramatic look at eye level. Please read our article to learn about other types of ferns that you can grow indoors. The desert rose houseplant is a large beautiful plant that brightens up rooms and offices with its colorful flowers.

As a succulent, snake plants tend to thrive on neglect and require infrequent, but thorough, watering. Snake plants should be watered once a month or even less and soil should be allowed to dry out completely between waterings. Just as with other ferns, maidenhair ferns prefer consistently moist, but not soggy, soil and higher than normal humidity levels. Try misting your maidenhair fern regularly or, for a lower maintenance option, pot it up and place it on a pebble tray for that extra boost of humidity.

African violets are known for their cheerful blooms in white, pink and purple, as well as their thick, fuzzy leaves. Preferring bright, indirect light, keep your violets out of direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burn, and avoid drafty windows too. This succulent, which remains a small houseplant, has exploded in popularity the past few years for its shiny, thick leaves and easy-care attitude.

ELEMENTS DESIGN CENTER Project Photos & Reviews Tulare, CA US

element design

In the final lesson, you’ll learn about grid systems and their importance in providing structure within design. You’ll also learn about the types of grid systems and how to effectively use grids to improve your work. In the second lesson, you’ll learn about the science and importance of color. You’ll gain a better understanding of color modes, color schemes and color systems. You’ll also learn how to confidently use color by understanding its cultural symbolism and context of use.

Code, Data and Media Associated with this Article

Visually speaking, a layout needs space to achieve a level of clarity within the design. Negative space is a very important element to consider as you are designing a piece. By using scale to make an element larger than others appearing with it, you can emphasise that element. Not only can you make an element stand out this way—you can also use scale to create a sense of depth (since nearer objects appear larger to the human eye). Exaggerated scales of images also add a certain level of interest and drama to them.

Design checklists: What type of designer are you?

Trust your instinct, take every principle with a grain of salt, and feel free to dismiss any rule when you feel like it doesn’t make sense to apply it. And even though rules can be broken, they have been created for a reason. Light and shadow play crucial roles, defining the visibility, mood, and atmosphere of 3D spaces, enhancing realism, and influencing perception.

Presentations, Graphics,
Videos, and more

However, you don’t have to show variety, just because you need to have it in your design. It should come naturally and make up an aesthetically-pleasing composition. Emphasis highlights the most important element and makes your audience concentrate on the focal point of your design. Now that you’ve seen what constitutes good design, learn more about some of the most common mistakes made by non-designers here. Principle in this field refers to the ways elements may be  manipulated to create a work of art. Texture can be used to accent a particular area of the visual project so that it becomes more dominant than the other elements.

Unity has to do with creating a sense of harmony between all elements in a page. A page with elements that are visually or conceptually arranged together will likely create a sense of unity. The subtractive mix of colours in paint and print produces the CMYK colour system. The additive mix of colours on digital screens produces the RGB colour system. As a beginner, however, these elements and principles of design will definitely come in handy and will help you develop a personal style.

Put Elements in Order for Ease

By using shades and tints, designers can add depth, volume, and contrast to their compositions. Proper manipulation of value helps create a sense of form and texture, making objects appear more realistic and three-dimensional. Skillful use of value can also lead to visually striking designs that capture the audience's attention and convey a particular mood or atmosphere.


It uses direction to differentiate the characters from the ones that stand out. Pattern also helps differentiate things, and color and contrast make things stand out and blend in. It provides breathing room between other design elements to highlight spaciousness. Negative space is a big component in web and graphic design, creating a feeling of minimalism and simplicity. Shapes are two-dimensional and can range from simple organic shapes to one's more complex, like geometric shapes. In graphic design, texture can also refer to the elements placed on a page.

Elements and Principles of Design in Conclusion

If there is no relationship between your two or more elements, your design will give a messy and unprofessional feel. So, to achieve unity, you should organize all your visual elements and make them work together in a single design composition. To have unity in your design, all parts of your composition should be in complete harmony with each other to be visually appealing in the viewer’s eyes. A designer does this by choosing the placement of the design elements, their size, boldness, color, and other features. You can have the word “up to” smaller just above the most important element of your poster, to keep the visual hierarchy.

element design

Balance: Creating Visual Harmony

Some brands may need more order in their communications, while others thrive on chaos. It's when every design element and principle comes together as one, creating harmonious flow and tranquility. This beautiful painting feels pleasant to the viewer's eye yet has so much going on.

20 Simple Ways to Style the HTML details Element — SitePoint - SitePoint

20 Simple Ways to Style the HTML details Element — SitePoint.

Posted: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

By using different tone values for your objects, you can create more emphasis and movement. The value changes of the objects of your design create contrast, which we also often use in photography. Lighter colors have a higher value than darker ones since they are closer to white. So, what are the main elements that you need to know before starting to work on your blank canvas? Check out these seven basic elements of design that can take your work to another level.

It breathes realism and visual value into the objects used in your design and can give them a 3D effect. Besides being an important addition to the other elements of design, color can absolutely stand alone on its own. Design compositions made up of color and text, are simpler and have a greater impact if you’re trying to make a point. Turning to a bohemian style of decorating feels incredibly fitting for 2024. This design style is all about creating eclectic and personality-led spaces, aligning with this year's most favored interior trends.

You can feel the wall's well-defined edges and rough texture when you touch it. When points or objects align in a certain way that the brain notices a pattern, you create implied lines. The opposite of geometric forms, organic forms are created by hand or can be found naturally. They resemble geometric forms in complexity and are frequently smooth or natural.

Space also refers to the locations of the text, pictures, or other graphic components. The area in a picture between or surrounding the focal point is known as whitespace or negative space. On the other hand, the area in your design that your subject occupies is positive space. Your design's spacing is crucial since an overly packed layout can overwhelm the viewer's eye.

However, a lot of the premium features, including maximum range and power, will come in higher priced models. The minivan-inspired details, though, are standard; space, itself, is a luxury. Have an idea for a project that will add value for arXiv's community? Emily Moorman is a News Writer at Homes & Gardens, working across a range of topics spanning interiors, celebrity and emerging trends. With a background in the fashion industry, Emily is well-versed in the world of design and trend cycles.

For instance, consistency ensures that controls remain uniform throughout a design, while proximity suggests related items be grouped. Visual hierarchy places importance on presenting the most vital information at the top. By understanding and applying these principles, designers can create intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and practical designs that cater to user needs and preferences. Unity in design principles refers to the cohesive arrangement of elements that ensures all parts of a composition work together harmoniously.

For example, insert a border within a frame on your canvas to create a multi-dimensional effect and make the elements within that inner border the focus of your design. You can also experiment with text, icons, or textures as framing devices around objects. When you look at space within your design, you’re viewing all the areas within, around, above, or below the objects you placed on your canvas. Establish narrow spaces between elements to create a connection and wider spaces to convey separation. Depending on the type or shade, you can use colors to emphasize elements or evoke certain feelings. Choosing the right colors is crucial when you’re trying to tell a story with your design.

The 7 Elements of Design: Creating Visual Harmony

element design

The nature of design is such that each artist has the freedom of expression. Unlike fine art, commercial artists who work on brands and design firms must follow these guidelines and understand its terms, as they set a standard for correctness. This image uses a lot of proportion and scale to emphasize the different sizes of elements. It gives a sense of clarity to the size of Big Ben in the distance to the market stalls that are closer. This picture of an evening-lit city street encapsulates rhythm perfectly.


These elements serve as the building blocks for all types of design work, from graphic design to interior decorating. The red, green, blue (RGB) combo is the best choice for digital designs. After finishing your design, the colors won’t change once you post them online for people to view on screen.

How to Build a Website With AI: A Foolproof Guide

The elements of visual design — line, shape, negative/white space, volume, value, colour and texture — describe the building blocks of a product’s aesthetics. On the other hand, the principles of design tell us how these elements can and should go together for the best results. Many of the principles below are closely related and complement one another. In summary, the relationship between design elements and principles is symbiotic. Elements provide the building blocks, and principles offer guidelines for organizing and arranging those elements.

Laws of Proximity, Uniform Connectedness, and Continuation – Gestalt Principles (Part

Value in design describes how bright or dark a color is when it appears in a composition or design. A gradient, which shows a range of hue variations sorted from brightest to darkest, is a common way to illustrate color values. Hue is a term used to describe a wavelength of light in the color spectrum combined with red, green, and blue, the primary colors. A given color might be saturated brightly or dimly or light or dark on the spectrum.

Visual Aesthetics

On your composition, you can show contrast with contrasting colors, light and dark hues, small and big shapes, thin and thick fonts, and more. Design principles are crucial as they provide a foundation for creating compelling, organized, and impactful visuals. They guide how elements interact, ensuring consistency, proximity, and visual hierarchy, as highlighted in this video with Frank Spillers, CEO of Experience Dynamics.

element design

These elements will help you create more diverse content, such as infographics, mind maps, flows, or routings. You’ll often see that lines are also used to create perspective or evoke a certain feeling. They can be thick or thin, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal, or they can create texture.

Element Beauty Group Now Offers AI Solutions - Beauty Packaging

Element Beauty Group Now Offers AI Solutions.

Posted: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Literature on design principles

The elements of design are fundamental components that form the basis of any visual composition. They include lines, shapes, forms, space (negative space), colors, values, and textures. These elements work together to create harmony, convey messages, and evoke emotions in a design.

The more you practice this principle of design, the higher the chance your brand will grow beyond just a single advertisement. Proportion adds order and perspective, creating a relationship between elements. Also known as direction, movement uses elements to lead the eyes from one location to another. Texture refers to the physical or visual surface of the design or artwork.

You’ll also learn practical tips for selecting a typeface, when to mix typefaces and how to talk type with fellow designers. Designers use principles such as visibility, findability and learnability to address basic human behaviors. The principle of design used to govern the usage of white spaces comes into play with minimalist designs in a significant way. It can create balance, improve the standard or level of design, and reduce clutter. Designs with more white spaces are referred to as “clean” pieces of work. Every design in the world is different, and each artist adds their touch to their creations, yet, the principles of design remain the same.

By understanding and leveraging this relationship, designers can create visually compelling and impactful designs across various mediums. In addition, designers can use size manipulation to strategically create visual stories and guide the viewer through a curated journey of discovery and engagement. Ultimately, size acts as a conductor, orchestrating the different visual elements of a composition to evoke emotions, convey messages, and elicit responses from the audience.

element design

Properly managing negative space can enhance the visual impact of a design, making it feel more open, airy, and harmonious. It can also help guide the viewer's attention and provide a sense of breathing room amidst various elements. Shapes are two-dimensional figures that can be either geometric or organic. By manipulating shapes, designers can establish a sense of hierarchy and create visual interest, making certain elements stand out while maintaining overall coherence.

Even if you’re not a graphic designer, it’s important to have a good grasp of these principles. Whether you’re creating display ads, a logo for your business, or a sales brochure, create engaging and more impactful graphics that draw customers in by using elements of design. Color is one of the most powerful and expressive elements in design. The color wheel serves as a guide for understanding the relationships between colors, such as complementary, analogous, and monochromatic schemes. Skillful use of color can reinforce the overall theme of a design, create focal points, and establish visual hierarchy.

Remember that the average human brain can call out a lack of visual balance. Often underplayed as a designer’s pet peeve, balance is as essential as the quality of the design itself. The best tip for implementing balance is to strive for both visual and conceptual balance in your designs. Achieving balance creates a sense of harmony, stability, and equilibrium. There is no fixed number of design principles that a designer or marketer needs to know.

Design is 'key element' for future McLarens, says boss, including incoming SUV - Top Gear

Design is 'key element' for future McLarens, says boss, including incoming SUV.

Posted: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

They extend from design fundamentals you can learn as a self-taught artist to entire fields of study in creating visually engaging content. The elements of design are the building blocks of visual art, including point, line, shape, and space. Together, they combine to create visually engaging compositions in any design project.

By repeating elements, you create a pattern and strengthen your design. For example, using the same color of your brand logo for the shapes on your announcement poster, will be an indirect shout-out to your brand and help you develop your brand identity. The recurrence of an element, color, shape, or form in design is called repetition. It unifies your design elements and gives them a kind of signature look. Objects, text, their size, and shape, color and texture, all have weight, which is important to distribute on your composition with care and evenly. This is the very open, underutilized area of any visual presentation or creation.

10 Most Common House Spiders How to Identify a Dangerous Spider

common house spider

Perhaps one of our readers will have an idea how to classify your Spider. Hi Joanna, We  believe this might be a male Giant House Spider, Tegenaria duellica, based on some images posted to BugGuide. We are sorry you had to wait so long for a reply, but summer is a very busy time for us.

Golden Silk-Orb Weaver (Banana Spider)

Tepidariorum belongs to the same family (Theridiidae) as the notorious black widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.), it is not known to be dangerous to humans. Keep in mind that most spiders, including common house spiders, are shy and will avoid humans. They can even help control other household pests, such as flies and mosquitoes. Seeing a spider in your home may give you the heebie-jeebies, but they are common in California homes. For the most part, these house spiders in California are harmless, but it helps to be able to identify these eight-legged creatures when you see one.

Jumping Spiders Habitats and Habits

The western black widow is found throughout California—in hot, dry climates to mountainous terrain. Their favorite hiding places are in woodpiles, rock crevices, cracks in walls, and garages. This invasive species resembles the related false black widow (Steatoda grossa). However, it is larger, and the spider has more white dots on its black abdomen.

Orbweaver Spiders: Your Go-To Resource for Successful Encounters

Though males may appear aggressive, they do not bite unless trapped, and their mouthparts are too small to easily penetrate human skin. Jumping spiders are not considered especially dangerous to humans, especially since they tend to prefer to flee rather than attack. The signs of an infestation are the funnel-shaped webs and the spider itself. Daddy Longlegs spiders do possess venom sacs, but their venom is very mild and virtually non-toxic to humans. Surprisingly, most people living in infested homes, even when the invasion is heavy, don’t report spider bites.

HumBug: Spiders in the House HumBug Online - North Coast Journal

HumBug: Spiders in the House HumBug Online.

Posted: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Hobo Spiders

The Harvestmen, frequently called daddy long legs, are an easily recognizable site across the United States. There are thousands of different species of Harvestmen with different scientific names, but they all belong to the Opiliones family. They build tangled and messy webs close to the dwellings of human beings. The juvenile spiders hatch within a span of 7 to 10 days after which they gradually disperse. Avoid clutter in your home as it provides hiding spots for spiders. Keep your storage areas, such as closets and garages, organized.

Video: Spider myths, facts from the Burke Museum's spider expert - UW Homepage

Video: Spider myths, facts from the Burke Museum's spider expert.

Posted: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

But since they have been here so long, these spiders are now common, especially INSIDE homes. Females usually rest at the center of the web, facing downwards. They face their webs east-to-west to take advantage of the rising and setting sun and hang in the center with their dark underside facing south. All this allows them to gain as much warmth as possible, enabling them to stay active later in the year. Several different species are found here, and they are all large nocturnal spiders that find their prey around water. Lastly, many crab spiders have developed a mutualistic relationship with certain plant species since these spiders feed on and help deter harmful insects.

common house spider

Additionally, the toxins in the venom aren’t dangerous to humans. The small brown spider has a bulbous abdomen, long legs, and the appearance of a brown widow spider. Read on to learn more about some of the most common house spiders, including which are harmless or potentially dangerous and what they look like. While not all species are visible in every state, each of them are common in homes across the country.

Today, you will learn about the most common spiders that live in California.

They feed on the small insects they trap in their webs, and can live as long as seven years. Both Daddy Longlegs spiders and Harvestmen are found on every continent, except for Antarctica where is is too cold for them to survive. Brown Recluse Spiders are venomous, but they rarely bite unless provoked.

This spider is an invasive species in California, as it originates from Madeira and the Canary Islands.

Black widow spiders are prevalent throughout the region and can be identified by their shiny black bodies and distinctive red hourglass-shaped markings on their abdomens. Brown recluse spiders, known for their violin-shaped markings on their backs, also thrive in the southern states. On the less harmful side, American house spiders are found nationwide, but they tend to favor warmer climates like those found in the South. It’s essential to be cautious when encountering these spiders, particularly the brown recluse and black widow, as their bites may require medical attention. You can minimize your risk by avoiding cluttered areas, and wearing gloves when handling woodpiles or working outdoors.

Domestic House spiders are not a particularly aggressive species, preferring to retreat when confronted. For some people, a small white blister appears soon after the bite, the tissue may become hard, and develop a red, white or blue lesion. In extreme cases, the surrounding tissue can become gangrenous, leaving an open wound as large as a human hand, which can take eight weeks or longer to fully recover.

Every house, even the most well-maintained, has the potential for unwanted eight-legged guests—but you don’t have to put up with them. Use these tips to prevent common house spiders from turning your home into theirs. As a natural part of the ecosystem, house spiders play their role in keeping other pests in check.

43 Common Houseplants For Any Home or Apartment

indoor house plants

Once you get used to having a few green gals, you'll learn to speak their language and know the signs of thirst. But until you reach that stage, it's good to get your hands a bit dirty. Stick your finger in the soil to gauge the moisture level, or invest in a soil probe. (See our other plant-care product recommendations here.) When you decide to water your plants, check to see if your pot has a drainage hole. If it does, saturate the soil until water comes out of the hole.

Giant Air Plant

That said, humidity levels above 60% will make your plant much happier. Rubber plants are actually trees that can grow over 100’ tall in their native environment of southeast Asia. As a houseplant, this hardy species remains much smaller and rarely grows over 10’ tall. While there are over 1000 species of begonia, one of the most popular types to keep is the rex begonia. Smaller than many begonia types, rex begonia maxes out at 18” tall and maintains a tidy, mounding growth habit.

Succulents Box Paddle Plant

String of Pearls is a low-maintenance creeper and does well in a sunny light position. This common houseplant also blooms in summer, producing fragrant flowers. One of the best houseplants, Dracaena thrives well in the shade. This plant can grow up to 2-3 feet indoors and looks like a small, bushy tree.

Best Indoor Plants for Your Health, According to Research

What's Wrong with My Plant? How to Fix 10 Houseplant Problems - Better Homes & Gardens

What's Wrong with My Plant? How to Fix 10 Houseplant Problems.

Posted: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

And if you like the idea of manifesting good luck, health and wealth, you'll be delighted by feng shui plants. He adds, "Brandi is a great 'learner plant' that tolerates a wide range of growing conditions, allowing you to test and trial different light and care conditions." "This fast-growing and vining plant is incredibly easy to take care of and a perfect option for first-time plant owners," Pangborn says. This pretty flowering houseplant has been a time-honored favorite, due to its sweet purple blooms that appear several times a year. The African violet needs light, warmth, and plenty of humidity to thrive.

31 Best Low-Light Indoor Plants to Brighten Up Your Home - Better Homes & Gardens

31 Best Low-Light Indoor Plants to Brighten Up Your Home.

Posted: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

If a plant requires bright light, you can’t shove it in the darkest corner of your room and hope for the best. East, south, and west-facing windows provide the most light; north-facing windows usually are too dark. In a home that’s all corners and few windows, invest in an inexpensive LED grow light to help your plants along. In general, the houseplants that are best suited to indoor rooms are those that can adapt to low-light conditions. Fortunately, there are many plants that will do just fine, including different types of pothos, snake plant, most types of philodendrons, and ZZ plant.

indoor house plants

Requiring regular feeding, only fertilize your fern with diluted, liquid fertilizer to avoid overwhelming your plant. Native to Peru, this tropical evergreen shrub grows up to 6’ tall in nature, but stays smaller as a houseplant, rarely growing above 4’ tall. Requiring high humidity levels of over 65%, be sure to provide this moisture-lover with daily misting to keep it looking fresh. Closely related to the weeping fig, fiddle leaf figs are wildly popular houseplants that, when grown as dwarf trees, generally reach around 9’ tall. With both upright and climbing types, you can’t go wrong with philodendrons!

indoor house plants

Cebu Blue Pothos

"The beautiful blue-gray tone with the silver streaking is just gorgeous," she notes. Spineless yuccas (Yucca elephantipes) are one of the recommended yucca plants for growing indoors because of their smooth leaves. Unlike the red leaves of this air plant species Tillandsia ionantha, the leaves of the ‘Druid’ variety turn a peachy-pink tone with age and right amount of light. You’ll never have to worry about ferns being in a little moist soil. Grow this fantastic houseplant in a spot that receives plenty of sunshine. Haworthia is a gorgeous little succulent that does excellent in bright light.

Simple to propagate, new plant starts can be grown from both stem and leaf cuttings. Preferring infrequent deep watering and bright light, avocado trees do best when fertilized on occasion with a balanced fertilizer suitable for citrus trees. Air plants, as you may have guessed, don't need soil, just bright, indirect light. Popular plants that are not suited to indoor rooms or low light conditions include succulents, fiddle leaf fig, and cacti.

Many different types of Monstera plants go by the same common name, but the one you’ll see most frequently is Monstera deliciosa. From easy-care pothos to colorful prayer plants to tough-as-nails cast iron plant, we've got the best indoor plants for every type of home. Place your fiddle-leaf fig (aka ficus lyrata) in a corner to create a dramatic focal point. Water this plant only when the top inch of the soil is dry, and make sure it gets bright, indirect light. The only thing that levels the Boston fern up from easy is its love of steam. Because it thrives in low light and humidity, it makes a great bathroom plant.

However, you may also be able to spot some in shades of pink, salmon, rose, apricot, or deep burgundy. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about houseplants. If you are a fan of carnivorous plants, sundews do well in full sun as long as they’re kept in a marsh-like setup (they are commonly found in bogs, so place them on a pebble tray). Sundew plants often have rosettes and feature sticky pads that trap insects and digest them. JustHouseplants is a free houseplant resource and educational site.

One of many gorgeous philodendrons to grow as house plants, Philodendron xanadu is a clump-forming species with lobed leaves that enjoys growing in a shady location. Other attractive philodendrons to grow include Philodendron scandens, Philodendron erubescens and Philodendron 'Imperial Red'. “I think anyone who's a first-time plant parent is looking for a plant that is going to give them the satisfaction of seeing that they're doing something well,” Greene says.

They do best when kept out of direct sunshine, in a humid environment. Be sure to steer clear of the common Christmas cactus mistakes and you'll have a good chance of enjoying their flowers year after year. "African violets can be an easy way to have continuously blooming plants with a little extra care," she continues. She recommends keeping them somewhere with bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, with temperatures between 60–75º Fahrenheit. It likes bright, indirect light and because it’s a succulent, it should dry out between waterings—which may not be needed for 10 days to 2 weeks.

Boasting long, trailing growth habits, inchplants look nice in hanging baskets and root easily in water as well. Aim to create a consistent watering schedule, watering your aralia when the top 1 to 2” of soil is dry to the touch, or approximately once a week during the growing season. Growing up to 6’ tall as a houseplant, crown-of-thorns prefers more water than most succulents, so try to water you plant when the top 1 to 2” of soil feels dry to the touch.

For a similar look, you could also try growing Howea fosteriana or Chamaedorea elegans, which have slightly larger leaflets. Grow in bright light out of direct sunlight, water well when in active growth and give it a good mist regularly. Most house plants are tropical or desert plants used to warmer, more humid or drier conditions than we can offer them in our gardens. However, with a little care and attention, they will thrive in our homes.

The plant is famous for its deep green, long-living, vining foliage and pink or red flowers. With thick, waxy leaves that are useful for moisture retention, hoyas can withstand some periods of drought; however, they prefer regular watering schedules. When properly maintained, hoyas will produce large, fragrant blooms. A native of Brazil, urn plants are a type of bromeliad known for their patterned, variegated leaves and big, bold and beautiful pink blooms.

21 Modern Bathroom Ideas That Will Convince You to Go Sleek

bath design

For the flooring, you can either go with heavy-duty wooden floorboards or polished concrete. Each location is operated locally to serve your community's unique needs, and is backed by Bath Fitter's 35+ years of experience in renovation. Our local experts are happy to answer questions, explore design inspiration, and help you take the next step toward your perfect bathroom. Whether you’re looking to remodel a small or master bathroom, we culled together the best DIY insider tips from the pros.

The Nation’s Most Trusted Bathroom Remodeler.

Clean lines, chrome accents, and floating fixtures are key elements of a modern bathroom design. Less is more so try to reduce clutter and take a minimal approach for a streamlined, crisp feel. To pull off a vintage design include a selection of antiques and historical items that help create a warm nostalgic feel.

Deep Shower

Deep shades of brown paired with golden lighting can result in a sophisticated and refined bathroom. Rustic wood flooring and candlelight add a cozy and warm vibe. Remodeling a rectangular bathroom can bring about some unique challenges. To avoid a narrow feel, use bright colors and hang mirrors to create a sense of width. Above all else, your design should be practical and provide the essentials. There’s no need for elaborate waterfall showers, grand tubs, or dual vanity sinks.

Bathroom Remodel Ideas Black and White

bath design

You can also add a feature wall with a patterned design to break things up and draw the eye. If you're bored with the current state of your primary bathroom or have been dreaming about making changes to it for years, your not-quite oasis is long overdue for a makeover. Take a cue from Avery Cox Design and try a dark-hued color palette. This sleek bathroom is defined by its deep green wall tiles, black and white marble shower and black trim along the doorway. Gray is a luxurious color, and with the right execution, it can result in a high-quality and elegant feel.

Storage Nook

If your bathroom backs onto a secluded outdoor space, why not make use of this extra square footage and extend your bathroom into the wild exterior. This obviously works best in warm climates like Australia, Central America, and the Mediterranean. With all those splashes and high humidity levels, you might be worried about its durability. It’s often cheaper and less labor-intensive than tiling, plus gives you plenty of visual options. Modern walk-in tubs come in a range of sleek designs so offer both practicality and style.

Wall-to-Wall Tile

Rebecca Reynolds - Kitchen and Bath Design News

Rebecca Reynolds.

Posted: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 09:44:38 GMT [source]

Tiles are not only durable and long-lasting but they also come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. This provides an incredible amount of freedom to be creative. The idea of unwinding amid greenery might sound appealing, but remember to consider the practical aspects. You’ll need a secluded garden or remote country home for a garden tub to be viable. Most importantly, pick colors that you actually like or that have some individual meaning for you.

Bring in Greenery

bath design

Our Reviews Team has thoroughly researched and compiled this list of Los Angeles' best bathroom contractors. Kristin is a Lead Editor at Forbes Home and has nearly a decade of professional experience as a writer and editor. She's previously worked at sites like Talking Points Memo, Insider, Delish, Angi and HomeAdvisor.

In many homes, bathrooms are becoming less of a place for brushing teeth and washing hair and more of a place for relaxation and recharging. Learn more about our effortless remodeling process and how to get started. Installing a toilet is one of the easiest things to install in the bathroom. However, they can be heavy and awkward to lift, so consider getting help. Emily Kates Design gave the antiquated room a serious update with a double vanity. A clunky cabinet, random art, and dirty-white paint add up to a very drab look.

Bathroom Remodel Ideas Mid-Century

Whether you want to update the look of your space or need added safety features, Re-Bath handles every detail from design to done. Toilet, bath and shower grab bars make these fixtures easier and safer to use. Because the walls are open, now is a good time to add blocking between wall studs to support grab bars. Even if you’re not adding them right away, building a solid surface for these safety features now will save money and time later. Designer Katie Davis bucked the room's original layout to let light pool in.

From oddly-shaped rooms and awkward door positions to sloped ceilings and windowless spaces. These can create unique challenges and may require some creativity to overcome. Depending on the size of your square room, there are a few options available. You can install a corner shower to make efficient use of the floor area. This should free up enough space to position a bathtub along another wall.

If your bathroom is at least 5 feet wide, it could also fit nicely at the back, against the shorter wall. If you’re working with a long and narrow bathroom, start by positioning the largest fixture, the tub. Instead, just focus on a functional shower that’s easy to use. Remember that most of the time your guest bathroom will go unused. You’ll need to strike the perfect balance between softness and roughness to achieve a shabby-chic bathroom design.

You’ll be surprised by how little effort is required to add a whole new lease of life to your space. Dark shades of grey and black create a cozy and modern bathroom vibe. Dark cabinets complement this style perfectly and add a strong and bold touch. Mix in some brightly saturated hues to create a stark contrast that draws the eye. If you’re working on a bathroom remodel for a loft space, chances are you’ll have a sloped ceiling to deal with. L-shaped bathrooms can work really well as your shower enclosure will fit perfectly into the enclave.

This "Dated" Bathroom Trend Is Catching On

bath design

Much of the cost of a bathroom remodel project is sunk into labor and professional fitting fees. If you can learn a few skills, you’ll dramatically reduce your outgoings. To reduce your bathroom remodel costs why not use PVC or UFP-Edge shiplap for your walls. It’s waterproof and will be cheaper and faster to fit than tiling.

Bathroom Remodel Ideas Blue

bath design

A white bathroom vanity with hints of pastel green works well alongside a mint bathroom stool. Plants are the obvious choice to add deeper pops of emerald tones. Natural wood flooring also matches the green theme nicely, keep in mind that the wood needs to be sealed properly.

bath design

Bright and airy

Simple designs work well for a minimal feel and create a sense of no-fuss relaxation. While more decorative tubs like claw-foot designs provide a level of vintage grandeur. Pink is a brave color choice for a bathroom redesign but can deliver beautiful results when done right. You probably want to avoid using strong saturated pink bathroom tiles as this can end up looking cheap and tacky. Instead, opt for pastels together with bolder tones scattered throughout. For practicality, remember to include some brighter spotlights over the vanity.

After: Bold Bathroom Wallpaper

It's never a bad idea to go modern when designing a bathroom — whether it's a small half bath, guest bathroom or spacious primary suite. There's a big difference between a bathroom that's bland and one that is thoughtfully curated and full of personality. Here, we're sharing the best modern bathroom ideas to help jumpstart the design process.

Modern Shower Bench

With its awkwardly low design, it was bringing the whole space down. Designer Jamie Nesbitt-Weber razed the closet, added a long vanity for storage and counter space, and replaced the old-fashioned tub with a glass-walled walk-in shower. This outdated kids' bathroom originally had a bathtub and shower combo crammed in next to its vanity, making the space feel narrow and smaller than it actually is. The mismatched tile looked dated and haphazard, not impactful. A new floorplan could make the 4'10"-by-5' 10" room feel much larger. Here are some bathroom design ideas that we heard straight from designers.

A contemporary bathroom utilizes a variety of elements to create a thoroughly of-the-moment space. Clean lines, graphic tile patterns, a mix of angles and curves, and sleek surfaces can all come into play. Instead of extending all the way to the floor, this wood vanity is mounted to float on the wall — which gives this bathroom a chic feel and creates the illusion of more space.

Pivoting to a 2024 Business Model - Kitchen and Bath Design News

Pivoting to a 2024 Business Model.

Posted: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The transitional design attempts to bring together both modern and traditional elements to create a cohesive and well-balanced space. A shaker-style vanity, glass shower enclosure, subway tiling, and classic pendant lights are typically found in transitional bathrooms. For a zen-style bathroom think peace, calm, minimalism, and meditation. Use warm wood, add a couple of lush green plants, and try to include natural touches like sand, pebbles, and water. Zen bathrooms work best in large areas with open space and natural light.


Transform a risk-prone bathroom into a space that’s as safe and comfortable as it is beautiful with Re-Bath’s aging and accessibility solutions. Along with slip-resistant technology and seamless safety features, our low-threshold showers and walk-in tubs are both practical and elegant for effortless peace of mind. Whether you’re looking for a quick tub-to-shower conversion or an extensive bathroom remodel, Re-Bath will make the experience effortless. Our in-home consultations, high-end product selections, fast demos, and professional installation will take you from design to done in no time—and with no stress. This 1980s-vintage platform jetted tub with steps was taking up far too much space in this large primary bathroom.

Give your bathroom design a boost with a little planning and our inspirational bathroom remodel ideas. From fixtures like bathtubs and sinks to details like backsplash and tile, our experts will walk you through your remodel options and you can browse hundreds of photos for inspiration. Simply by shifting the tub and toilet area of this kids' bathroom, designer Emily Henderson freed up space for a double vanity and extra storage. Plus, she created a playful, contemporary color scheme that makes the room bright and airy.

Remember, you don’t have to fit a shower tray either; a wet room works great in tight areas. Are you planning a bathroom reno but not sure where to start? Our mega list of bathroom design ideas should help get those creative juices flowing.

Remember to use white throughout the room to create a sense of the outdoors. A spacious shower can also help establish a feeling of open space that comes with the coastline. So it’s no wonder that along with the kitchen, this practical space often takes top priority when it comes time to remodel. From crisp and approachable to luxurious and extra, see stylish spaces that mid-afternoon daydreams are made of. Keep in mind that you can execute a modern bathroom remodel without breaking the bank, so you'll find many budget-friendly ideas below.

If you crave a dose of playfulness in your space, consider installing a floral tile pattern like this one, which is full of cheer and a dose of whimsy. Register for free and download the RoomSketcher App today to make your bathroom remodel a breeze. Use a powerful waterfall showerhead and surround it with lush green plants for that back-to-nature vibe. Whether it’s attempting some DIY jobs or swapping out expensive materials for cheaper alternatives, there are several tricks you can use to save on costs. If your bathroom looks bland with all that micro cement, you can always add some greenery to brighten things up.

Vanity units and bathtubs can be placed along the opposite, shorter wall where that extra height isn’t required. As you approach your twilight years, remodeling your bathroom should be high on your priority list. A universal design needs to be accessible, comfortable, and convenient for older people or people with disabilities. You can also replace old bathroom accessories with modern alternatives. Something as simple as updating towel hooks or toilet-roll holders can make all the difference. You can combine several materials and pick unusual colors, but remember to have at least one or two consistent elements to create cohesion.

Common House Spider American House Spider Facts, Identification & Pictures

common house spider

Some individuals have a triangular black spot on the top of the abdomen. The California titiotus spider is a small, brown spider with a huge leg span of up to 3” (75 mm). Some species have a prominent violin mark on their brown bodies. This makes the small brown spider easy to mistake for a desert recluse, brown recluse, or common house spider.

California Ebony Tarantula (Aphonopelma eutylenum)

If you find spiders in your home, contact a pest management company, so they can conduct an inspection and create a control plan. The probability of a Yellow Sac Spider infestation increases significantly in the fall, as they generally experience a population boom around that time. The warning signs are the appearance of adult or immature spiders, as well as their distinctive sacs.

Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa)

Even though they look similar to tarantulas, tarantulas are much larger. The American house spider plays a vital role in controlling the population of various insect species, contributing significantly to maintaining ecological balance. Their presence in homes can help in reducing the number of pests, making them an ally in natural pest control. They rarely bite people, and even when they do, most species' venom causes only moderate and short-lived effects. That's true for the vast majority of house spiders, which have no incentive to bite anything they can't eat unless they think it's a matter of life or death. House spiders typically colonize new buildings via eggs sacs attached to furniture or building materials, but sometimes outdoor spiders also wander inside.

Yellow Sac Spiders Toxicity

common house spider

While these eight-legged creatures may give you the heebie-jeebies, they are very helpful in controlling the insect population inside your home. Their ability to leap quickly is the main way these small spiders take down prey. These spiders are typically seen with black bodies and patches of white. "Spiders feed on common indoor pests, such as roaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies and clothes moths," explains a fact sheet by Bayer CropScience.

Creeped out by spiders? Well, get ready for their autumn 'invasion' - Belfast Telegraph

Creeped out by spiders? Well, get ready for their autumn 'invasion'.

Posted: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Most Common House Spiders

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. However, most symptoms don’t last longer than a few hours, with more severe bites causing symptoms to last up to three days. Bites from these spiders can still lead to painful symptoms, and some people can have allergic reactions that need medical attention. In general, Crawford says, only about 5% of the spiders you see inside a building have ever set foot outdoors. Like all modern arthropods, the spiders in your attic may be descendants of 7-foot-long marine animals that lived 480 million years ago. True spiders evolved about 300 million years ago, so they pre-date dinosaurs, not to mention us.

#2. Cellar Spider

Parasteatoda tepidariorum is not regarded as a medically important species. The few recorded and verified bites were accompanied by pain (increasing for one hour), red mark, or redness, with the duration of pain being 4 to 24 hours. House spiders are not known to bite but may do so in threatening situations, such as when they are being crushed. While house spider bites are typically not medically threatening, it is important to seek medical attention in the event of severe swelling, lesions or headaches. Sealing potential entry points may not affect house spiders, since they don't sneak in from outside, but it could limit incursions by other spiders. And if it also prevents insects from getting inside, it may indirectly reduce your house spiders by limiting their food supply.

Following exclusion, homeowners should clean thoroughly to remove cobwebs and egg sacs. American House spiders are common all over North America, and are the most commonly-encountered spider in the U.S. American House spiders aren’t generally aggressive and have poor vision, preferring to run away rather than engage in confrontation. They only bite humans in self-defense, when grabbed and squeezed, for example, or crushed in clothing or furniture. The crab spider is an ambush predator found on the flowers of many species of California plants. These unusual spiders wait to capture and feed on large insects like bumblebees, wasps, butterflies, dragonflies, and moths.

Worried about Louisiana spiders? Here are 16 species (with photos!) you could run into -

Worried about Louisiana spiders? Here are 16 species (with photos!) you could run into.

Posted: Wed, 05 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

These small creatures start out life in an egg sac and reach maturity in about a year. According to an article  published by University Of Minnesota, there are two main categories of indoor house spiders. The first are hunter spiders and the second are web-building spiders. Wolf spiders do not spin webs like most other types of spiders, and will instead fiercely hunt down their prey.

Although the dark-colored spider bites, the effects are no more serious or painful than a bee’s sting. It is found in the southern United States, particularly in Florida, California, and Texas. The brown spiders spin messy cobwebs in secluded areas such as attics, roof eaves, garages, and under furniture. Yellow sac spiders are small-to-medium-sized spiders with a pale yellow or beige body. Unlike other spiders, wolf spiders carry their egg sac around with them, attached to their abdomen. After the egg hatches, the mother’s young climb onto her abdomen, where they remain for several weeks until they are old enough to take care of themselves.

Common house spiders possess poor vision and cannot detect any movement more than three to four inches away. American grass spiders are a type of brown funnel weaver spider with an elongated, oval brown body. Identifying features of the grass spiders are the distinctive dark brown bands running down its cephalothorax, mottled brown abdominal patterns, and spiny, orangey legs. Non-aggressive orb weaver spiders only occasionally find their way into homes. However, you will notice them due to the large, sheet-like spoked webs they spin.

Also, unlike most other brown spiders, recluse spiders have six eyes, not eight. Brown widow spiders are not as aggressive as their black widow counterparts but can bite if provoked. However, the effects of their bite are less severe than black widows.

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